This page covers the commands you will need to submit, and manage your jobs on the Lilac LSF queuing system. These are the commands you run from the command line to check on and monitor your jobs. If something is unclear, feel free to ask or add it to this page. Most LSF commands have very complete man pages.

This page is not the options you give to your bsub jobs, that page can be found here: LSF bsub flags

Submit jobs with the #BSUB directives as header:

  • bsub <
  • Note: This is different from PBS qsub where you just did qsub

List all hosts (the command to see what resources are available on the queue):

  • bhosts or lshosts
  • Add the -l flag for more detail on all nodes
  • -l <hostname> for detail on that one host
  • -gpu will list available GPUs

List active jobs by you

  • bjobs
  • bjobs <JobID> information about a specific job you have running
  • -a lists even completed recent jobs 
  • -l lists more information about the job you have running
  • <JobID> is optional
    • You can also specify -l <JobID>

List jobs by other users:

  • bjobs -u <user> to get jobs by a specific user
  • bjobs -u all to get ALL jobs from ALL users

Terminate your job

  • bkill <JobID>

See your history of recent jobs, "recent" seems to indicate longer than a few hours near as I can tell.

  • bhist
  • -a shows your recent job history 
  • -l gets more details about your history of jobs
  • Add a <JobID> number to bhist or bhist -l to see details about that job in specific
  • bhist -n 0 -l <JobID> will check all historical logs for job information 

See resources available to the nodes right now

  • lsload
  • lsload -l <node> to see more details on the specific node

See the groups of hosts (Important for -m flag of bsub commands)

  • bmgroup