This page documents the various questions related to lilac storage. Lilac storage is primarily divided into 4 categories.
Lilac home storage :
- Description : GPFS shared parallel filesystem, not replicated, and not backed up.
- Purpose: To store software related code and scripts, default quota size is small and fixed.
- Mount: /home/<user>
- Access: All Lilac nodes, including compute storage and login nodes.
- Default quota: 100GB
- Snapshots: 7 days of snapshots. ( not backed up ). Can be accessed in /home/.snapshots/<user>
- Replicated: no
Lilac compute storage :
- Description : GPFS shared parallel filesystem, not replicated, and not backed up.
- Purpose: For jobs to read and write compute data from login and compute nodes, default quota size is larger with flexibility to request larger quota.
- Mount: /data/<lab group>
- Access: All Lilac nodes, including compute storage and login nodes.
- Default quota: 1TB ( Increased/Decreased on request )
- Snapshots: 7 days of snapshots. ( not backed up ). Can be accessed in /data/.snapshots/<date>/<lab group>
- Replicated: no
Lilac warm storage :
- Description : GPFS shared parallel filesystem, not replicated but will be replicated in near future, and not backed up. Comparatively slower than lilac compute storage.
- Purpose: To store long term data. Only accessible from login nodes and cannot be accessed from compute nodes.
- Mount: /warm/<lab group>
- Access: Only lilac and luna login nodes.
- Default quota: 1TB ( Increased/Decreased on request )
- Snapshots: 7 days of snapshots. ( not backed up ). Can be accessed in /warm/.snapshots/<date>/<lab group>
- Replicated: no ( will be replicated in near future )
Lilac local scratch storage :
- Description : XFS filesystem, not replicated, and not backed up. Local and not a shared filesystem, slower than GPFS.
- Purpose: To store local temporary data related to compute jobs. Since this is not a shared filesystem, the temporary data needs to be cleaned up and copied back to shared filesystem after job completion.
- Mount: /scratch/
- Access: Only lilac compute nodes.
- Default quota: No quota and limited to free disk space in /scratch.
- Snapshots: No snapshots.
- Replicated: no
How to :
Check Quota for GPFS filesystem:
Lilac home storage :
Command linemmlsquota lilac:home
Lilac compute storage :
Command linemmlsquota -j data_<lab group name> --block-size auto lilac
Lilac warm storage (oscar) :
Command linemmlsquota -j warm_<lab group name> --block-size auto oscar
mmlsquota gives information about quota on number of files too, along with information about block quota.
Filesystem | Fileset | type | blocks | quota | limit | in_doubt | grace | | | files | quota | limit | in_doubt | grace | Remarks |
Filesystem name | Fileset name | fileset/usr/grp | Blocks currently occupied | Your block quota | Your limit for "7 days" beyond quota. | Blocks in doubt that will be counted towards your quota. Happens when many files are added/deleted recently. | Countdown of 7 days is set once you occupy more blocks than mentioned in quota. | Number of files currently present | Your quota on number of files | Your limit on number of files for "7 days" beyond quota. | Number of files in doubt that will be counted towards your quota. | Countdown of 7 days is set once you occupy more files than mentioned in quota. |
Once the number of blocks or number of files reach the value mentioned in "quota" - Storage system will give 7 days as a grace period, to fill up until the max value mentioned in "limit" is reached. Storage system will not allow any more data to be written when:
- The block limit/file limit is reached.
- 7 days have passed since the blocks/files have occupied more than "quota". The grace field will show you the number of days left, before which the number of blocks/files need to go less than the value mentioned in "quota".
2. Copy files from other clusters:
To copy files from other clusters, firstssh -A
into the other cluster to forward your keys.Command linessh -A $USERNAME@$CLUSTER
We recommend
rsync -va
to copy files and directories.Make note of the source directory/source files and destination directory/files on Lilac and copy them as below:
Command linersync -av --progress $SOURCEPATH lilac:$DESTPATH
- Depending on the size and number of files to copy, you may run multiple
commands simultaneously to copy different directories. - The HPC private network is faster than the MSKCC campus network, so using short names like
will often make transfers faster than using the fully qualified domain name
- Depending on the size and number of files to copy, you may run multiple