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The new Juno cluster is now available. Juno resources are specifically for investigators associated with the Center for Molecular Oncology. If you have an account on luna, you have access to juno.

Juno currently has 1072 2556 CPUs. The login node is 'Juno', and runs CentOS 7 with GPFS as the main file system. 


Table of Contents

Configuration change log

New nodes jx01-34 added to the cluster. 

New nodes jy01-03 added to the cluster. These nodes don't have NVMe /fscratch. To request node with /fscratch partition: bsub -n 1 -R fscratch ...


The Juno cluster uses LSF (Load Sharing Facility) 10.1FP6 1FP8 from IBM to schedule jobs. The Juno cluster has two queues: general and control. The default queue, ‘general’, includes Juno compute nodes.
