Versions Compared


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Any argument with the < > braces shows a field which you the user replace in your submission.

Specify Wall time

  • -W <hh:mm>
  • hh is time in hours, mm is time in minuts
  • Warning: <hh:mm:ss> syntax is invalid, no seconds may be specified (for those converting from PBS scripts)

Specify total number of processes you will run

  • -n <Int>
  • This is the total number over all nodes

Use Job ID Number as part of logfile name

  • Specify either the -e or -o flag (error and output, -o implies -e)
  • Use the variable %J as part of the file name argument to those flags
  • e.g. #BUSB -o myjob.%J.log yeilds file myjob.12345.log for job ID 12345

Notes on the resource request flag -R:

  • The -R "..." flag can have multiple entries in side the quotes, e.g. span, select, rusage, etc.
  • Multiple -R flags can be specified with different entries.
  • The entries of -R such as span, select, rusage, etc. can support multiple arguments, comma separated.
    • e.g. -R "rusage[ngpu_excl_p=1,mem=4]" will set both the ngpu_excl_p and mem resource requests. Details about what those do are below

Choose how many processes per node to run

  • -n <N*M> -R "span[ptile=<M>]"
  • N = number of nodes, M = number of processes per node
  • Equivalent to #PBS -l nodes=N:ppn=M
  • If N % M != 0, ("N modulo M") then up to M processes will be loaded per node, and the last node will have the remainder. 
    • e.g. -n 7 -R "span[ptile=3]" will have 2 nodes with 3 processes, and 1 node with 1 process

Start a job in Interactive mode with the bash terminal

  • -Is /bin/bash
    • Note: You can still do all the other settings as well. 
    • This signs you into one of the nodes requested, although all the nodes of your job are available to you.

Select a specific node to run your job on

  • -n <N> -R "select[hname==<hostname>]"
  • also specify a not not to run on: -n <N> -R "select[hname!=<hostname>]"

Request a certain amount of memory per cpu core:

  • -n <N> -R "rusage[mem=<Q>]"
  • <Q> is the amount of memory per CPU core (<N>) in GB

Request specific node groups

  • -m <group_name>
  • This is separate from the submission queue which changes the rules and types of jobs that can be submitted
  • use bmgroup to see the list of groups

    • As new nodes with different resources are added, this setting will help you get the resources (like GPU model) you want the easiest.

    • The nodes are searched in Alphabetical order until a node is found that matches requirements, so lg04 comes before ls01


  • ls-gpu: New Lilac nodes, GTX 1080's
    • Node Name format: ls##
  • lila-gpu-hpc: Currently being used for testing and has limited access, they have GTX 1080's
    • Node Name format: ls##
    • These might be experimental nodes for now
  • lg-gpu: Old HAL gg** Fuchs' lab nodes, GTXTITANX. Fuchs lab has priority
    • Node Name format: lg##

Change the queue you are submitting to. Different queues treat the nodes differently.

  • -q <queue> 
  • bqueues shows what queues are available from command line


  • general Default queue, implied so -q is not needed.
    • GPUs are in process exclusive mode
  • gpushared Queue being used for testing, limited access
  • test_hpc Queue used by the HPC staff for testing

Requesting GPU Specific Resources

Recommended Reading: Lilac GPU Primer


Trivia: When looking at GPU resource requests for LSF documentation from IBM, you will see ngpus_shared, ngpus_excl_p, and ngpus_excl_t. These correspond to sharedprocess exclusive, and thread exclusive mode respectively. Since all Lilac GPUs are in process exclusive mode, the only valid option is ngpus_excl_p.

Request 4 GPUs in process exclusive mode on 1 node to run on 4 CPUs

  • -n 4 -R "rusage[ngpus_excl_p=1]"
    • Note that the -n <N> acts as a multiple of ngpus_excl_p=M to get N*M = 4*1 = 4 GPUs

Request 6 GPUs in over 2 nodes (there are 4 gpus/node on Lilac) to run 6 total processes

  • -n 6 -R "rusage[ngpus_excl_p=1] span[ptile=3]"

Request a specific GPU model

  • -R select[gpu_model0=='GeForceGTX1080']
  • Since there is only one -R keyword (select), no outside double quotes are needed.

Emulate shared mode for 2 GPUs by activating the MPS service from Nvidia

  • -n 2 -env "LSB_START_JOB_MPS=Y" -R "rusage[ngpus_excl_p=1]"
    • Note: You can ONLY launch CUDA Contexts in this mode, no OpenCL.
    • The default for this option is "no" so you have to specifically request it
    • The GPU will still be in exclusive mode, and the process which will be running on it (inspectable through nvidia-smi on the node) will be the "nvidia-cuda-mps-server."
    • Up to 16 Contexts per GPU can be created in this mode.

Logic Operators in Resource Requests

LSF can support logical groups ({ }) and the "OR" operator (||) as part of the -R requirements string. This could be helpful for requesting particular sets of packing or hardware requirements.
