General Documentation
- Welcome FAQ
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- Available Software
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- Jupyter Notebook Usage
LSF Primer
Lilac Cluster Guide
Juno Cluster Guide
Cloud Resources
Backup Policy on server/node local drives
File lists
Page History
- We reserve ~12GB of RAM per host for the operating system and GPFS on Juno CentOS 7 hosts.
- On each jx## node (CentOS 7, GPFS installed), 240GB of RAM is available for LSF jobs.
- On each ju## node (CentOS 6, no GPFS), 250GB of RAM is available for LSF jobs.
- When specifying RAM for LSF jobs, specify GB of RAM per slot/task on Juno, or per job on luna task (slot) on juno (unlike luna, where RAM is specified per job).
- All jobs must have -W (maximum execution Walltime) specified on juno. Please do not use -We on juno.
- There is no /swap on CentOS 7 nodes. Memory usage is enforced by cgroups so jobs never swap. A job will be terminated if memory usage exceeds its LSF specification.
- To check jobs which are DONE or status EXIT, use "bhist -l JobID" or "bhist -n 0 -l JobID". bacct is also available. "bjobs -l JobID" only shows RUNNING and PEND jobs.
- There is no iounits resource on juno.