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This page is a compilation of the various bsub
flags you may use in your jobs and what they do. Please consult the Lilac Cluster PrimerGuide page for some basic configurations and some very common job submissions.
Any argument with the < >
braces shows a field which you the user replace in your submission.
Specify Wall time
-W <hh:mm>
is time in hours,mm
is time in minuts- Warning: <
syntax is invalid, no seconds may be specified (for those converting from PBS scripts)
Specify total number of processes you will run
-n <Int>
- This is the total number over all nodes
Use Job ID Number as part of logfile name
- Specify either the
flag (error and output,-o
) - Use the variable
as part of the file name argument to those flags - e.g.
#BUSB -o myjob.%J.log
yeilds filemyjob.12345.log
for job ID12345
Notes on the resource request flag -R
- The
-R "..."
flag can have multiple entries in side the quotes, e.g.span
, etc. - Multiple
flags can be specified with different entries. - The entries of
such asspan
, etc. can support multiple arguments, comma separated.- e.g.
-R "rusage[ngpu_excl_p=1,mem=4]"
will set both thengpu_excl_p
resource requests. Details about what those do are below
- e.g.
Choose how many processes per node to run
-n <N*M> -R "span[ptile=<M>]"
= number of nodes,M
= number of processes per node- Equivalent to
#PBS -l nodes=N:ppn=M
- If
N % M != 0
, ("N modulo M") then up toM
processes will be loaded per node, and the last node will have the remainder.- e.g.
-n 7 -R "span[ptile=3]"
will have 2 nodes with 3 processes, and 1 node with 1 process
- e.g.
Start a job in Interactive mode with the bash terminal
-Is /bin/bash
- Note: You can still do all the other settings as well.
- This signs you into one of the nodes requested, although all the nodes of your job are available to you.
Select a specific node to run your job on
-n <N> -R "select[hname==<hostname>]"
- also specify a not not to run on:
-n <N> -R "select[hname!=<hostname>]"
Request a certain amount of memory per cpu core:
-n <N> -R "rusage[mem=<Q>]"
is the amount of memory per CPU core (<N>
) in GB
Request specific node groups
-m <group_name>
- This is separate from the submission queue which changes the rules and types of jobs that can be submitted
to see the list of groupsAs new nodes with different resources are added, this setting will help you get the resources (like GPU model) you want the easiest.
The nodes are searched in Alphabetical order until a node is found that matches requirements, so
comes beforels01
: New Lilac nodes, GTX 1080's- Node Name format:
- Node Name format:
: Currently being used for testing and has limited access, they have GTX 1080's- Node Name format:
- These might be experimental nodes for now
- Node Name format:
: Old HALgg**
Fuchs' lab nodes, GTXTITANX. Fuchs lab has priority- Node Name format:
- Node Name format:
Change the queue you are submitting to. Different queues treat the nodes differently.
-q <queue>
shows what queues are available from command line
Default queue, implied so-q
is not needed.- GPUs are in
process exclusive
- GPUs are in
Queue being used for testing, limited accesstest_hpc
Queue used by the HPC staff for testing
Requesting GPU Specific Resources
Recommended Reading: Lilac GPU Primer
Trivia: When looking at GPU resource requests for LSF documentation from IBM, you will see ngpus_shared, ngpus_excl_p, and ngpus_excl_t.
These correspond to shared
, process exclusive
, and thread exclusive
mode respectively. Since all Lilac GPUs are in process exclusive mode, the only valid option is ngpus_excl_p
Request 4 GPUs in process exclusive
mode on 1 node to run on 4 CPUs
-n 4 -R "rusage[ngpus_excl_p=1]"
- Note that the
-n <N>
acts as a multiple ofngpus_excl_p=M
to getN*M = 4*1 = 4
- Note that the
Request 6 GPUs in over 2 nodes (there are 4 gpus/node on Lilac) to run 6 total processes
-n 6 -R "rusage[ngpus_excl_p=1] span[ptile=3]"
Request a specific GPU model
-R select[gpu_model0=='GeForceGTX1080']
- Since there is only one
keyword (select
), no outside double quotes are needed.
Emulate shared
mode for 2 GPUs by activating the MPS service from Nvidia
-n 2 -env "LSB_START_JOB_MPS=Y" -R "rusage[ngpus_excl_p=1]"
- Note: You can ONLY launch CUDA Contexts in this mode, no OpenCL.
- The default for this option is "no" so you have to specifically request it
- The GPU will still be in exclusive mode, and the process which will be running on it (inspectable through
on the node) will be the "nvidia-cuda-mps-server.
" - Up to 16 Contexts per GPU can be created in this mode.
Logic Operators in Resource Requests
LSF can support logical groups ({ }
) and the "OR" operator (||
) as part of the -R
requirements string. This could be helpful for requesting particular sets of packing or hardware requirements.